We are so excited to tell you about an 8-week experiential course co-facilitated by our new staff minister Rev. Champion Fleming partnering with Rev. Ruth Littlejohn. Based out of the United States, this is an opportunity for people throughout the world to learn about the experiences of Women of Colour, contemplate the impact on a global level, and take an active role in healing racial trauma. Check it out:
In these challenging times where so many of us are discovering and uncovering systemic racism or our own guilt, shame due to our lack of involvement and/or self-hatred due to our socialization. Where can one go to have the honest conversations and education that are necessary to move not just our communities and government but ourselves forward?
Join a Racial Healing Circle for Brave Conversations About Race
In this 8-week experiential course for racial healing and transformation:
We create an environment that allows us to authentically and critically engage in understanding all aspects of our racial identity.
We nurture openings for learning, healing, and growth.
We commit to internal self-awareness so that we can engage externally with powerful solidarity and an intention to create much-needed change.
The first 6 sessions are in groups by racial affinity and in the final 2 sessions, we come together to share our learnings through deep listening and cross-race dialogue. For African American participants, in particular, this experience often helps:
Build a collective voice and have a safe place to heal and bring your whole selves.
Unlearn the indoctrination of being not quite equal
Unearth and heal unexpressed racialized trauma
Be in space where they can share experiences without the concern of how white people will respond, or without putting an undue burden on African Americans to be teachers.
Have a safe space where emotional needs and personal development can be the focus of attention.
For white participants it often helps:
Examine what it means to be white, working intentionally on understanding white culture and privilege, and
Step into what it means to take an anti-racist stance
With speaking up to interrupt racial microaggressions
Freedom to speak honestly and let go of guilt and shame
Develop skills and awareness that help white people show up differently
Racial Healing Circles will be held via Zoom on the following dates:
Tuesdays: April 6,13,20; May 4,11,25; June 1,8
Time: 7-9 EST p.m. | 4-6 p.m. PT
Fee: $350.00 per person
Thursdays: April 8,15,22; May 6,13, 27; June 3,10
Time: 7-9 EST p.m. | 4-6 p.m. PT
Fee: $350.00 per person
About Ruth Littlejohn:
Ruth Littlejohn is a seasoned organizational development consultant who has partnered with profit and not for profit organizations as a Diversity and Inclusion practitioner, executive coach and change management facilitator. She is committed to using a holistic approach, grounded in ancient New Thought teachings, she incorporates tools such as visioning, affirmations, and meditations to support participants in connecting both inward and outward. Ruth uses her training and experience with Elsie Y. Cross Associates, National Multicultural Institute, and NTL Institute of Applied Behavioral Science as the basis for her work as facilitator and trainer.
As an innovator and self-starter Ruth has worked in leadership roles with Fortune 500 corporations to start new organizations and to reorganize established organizations. Most recently, after completing a Master's Degree in Consciousness Studies she relocated to Virginia Beach, Virginia, and founded Hampton Roads Center for Spiritual Living, a diverse community committed to using spiritual laws and tools to transform their lives. The Center is now Agape Hampton Roads Spiritual Center led by Rev. Victoria Thomas. Ruth Littlejohn’s current focus is leveraging her Diversity & Inclusion and facilitation experiences with CIGNA, Proctor & Gamble, Lynchburg School System, Astra Merck, United Way, Spiritual communities, and MedStar Health, by partnering with Champion Fleming to support individual, not for profit and profit organizations in actualizing their commitment to productive diverse & inclusive organizations and communities.
About Champion Fleming:
Champion Fleming is an organizational development consultant working with national non-profits and labor unions who are committed to anti-racist strategies that lead to cultural and political change. Champion is highly skilled as a white anti-racist trainer and is seasoned in leading the cross-race dialogue. Champion exudes warmth and acceptance yet sees and speaks difficult and direct truths. Their approach builds bridges and fosters belonging. As a social justice advocate, Champion has worked for decades on LGBTQIA issues, AIDS awareness, poverty, and racism. They are a Centers for Spiritual Living licensed minister, a global spiritual movement focused on creating a world that works for everyone. Champion is a staff minister at CSL White Rock in Surrey, British Columbia where they teach spiritual practices for individual and collective transformation.