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CSL White Rock

By Sherry Dolejsi

How blessed we are to have attracted the likes of Rev. Nadene Rogers! She has breathed a liveliness into our space, our speakers, our musicians, and our hearts, which continues to grow our centre each week. Her experience, creativity, energy, and love are so vast that I am sometimes overwhelmed with joy and wonder. Today, we have placed a ‘GONE FISHING’ sign to give Nadene, and her ‘Nuggets,’ a much-needed rest. Hopefully, she will actually take the time for rest.

As a teacher, Nadene has been instrumental in helping me develop my knowledge, understanding, and practice of the philosophy of Science of Mind. Prior to my discovery of the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock, I viewed prayer as a form of begging for that which I could not earn for myself and, therefore, prayer was absent from my spiritual toolbox. Today, my perspective has been changed and I practice prayer, in the form of ‘Spiritual Mind Treatment,’ daily.

The comfort I take from this five-part message is uplifting, soothing, healing, energizing, powerful, and joy-filled. Nadene, through her inspirational talks, her workshops, and her classes has coached and supported my learning of Spiritual Mind Treatment. For those of you who are experts of this amazing practice, bear with me as I share my heartfelt version of Spiritual Mind Treatment, with those who struggle with prayer, as I once did.

Part 1: RECOGNITION Today, I speak these words of truth for myself and all those seeking spiritual growth. There is only one Power, one Spirit, one Mind, one Divine Intelligence, one Creator and I call It God.

Part 2: UNIFICATION I am so grateful to finally understand that I am not a human being on a spiritual journey; rather, I am Spirit having a human experience. I am the manifestation of my Creator; It is in me, as me, and through me!

Part 3: DECLARATION I walk tall in this perfect and healthy body that is my gift from God. I embrace the strengths and differences of my Brothers and Sisters, who, like me, are blessed expressions of the One. Tears of joy fill my eyes for the love which I encounter wherever I travel. My heart overflows in the stunning beauty of this planet we share. I now understand that my word carries the power to attract changes in my life for my highest and best. I remain open to receive knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration that will colour my next yet to be.

Part 4: GRATITUDE How blessed I am to have found this Truth! I thankfully replace my old limiting beliefs with the limitless possibilities now available to me. My gratitude for Rev. Nadene and her many gifts sparks great joy within me.

Part 5: RELEASE I release these words into the Law of Mind action, knowing full well it is already done. And so it is!

In profound appreciation of my universal Brothers and Sisters,

Sherry Dolejsi President of CSL White Rock Board of Trustees


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