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Book of the Month: Wild Mercy by Mirabai Starr

Cheryl Graham

Updated: Mar 11, 2020

“Suddenly, you cannot bear the beauty.”

These words come from the book Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics by Mirabai Starr, which is Rev. Cassandra’s book of the month for March 2020. The book is a journey along the path to enlightenment various women mystics have taken – a path open to all of us. The book’s chapters relate what it means to be a woman and a mystic following the stations of the women’s wisdom journey. Filled with Starr’s moving poetry and prose, we can jump on the mystical carpet and bring our open hearts to heal ourselves and the world. There is a divine wisdom, passed down lovingly from the women prophets who came before. “We are thirsty for wonder,” now and are able to see how sacred life and being can be when we own our power and become one with the marvelous feminine energy much too long bridled.

Starr speaks about her own life and journey. She began her spiritual quest following a masculine path and believing that in order to be sacred one must transcend the body. But as she progressed, she began to discover that the body is sacred and the mindfulness of where you are right now is where true authentic change lies. The ordinariness of every day life is the journey. It is a blessing to see the beauty of the sun or your child’s smile or a hand to hold when you are afraid. The mundane is the message, and the message is to, “hear the call both to turn inward and to step up, to cultivate a contemplative life and to offer the fruits in service.”

The book also offers expressive exercises to deepen one’s experience. Contemplative practice is put forward as a wonderful approach to healing and evolving. She also speaks about the various spiritual traditions and their roles in shaping the diverse mystics the book speaks about. The way she puts it, “There are jewels in each of the world’s spiritual traditions.” There is so much that the women mystics and prophets of the ages have to teach us, whether it be Saint Teresa of Avila, Mary Magdalene or the Shekinah and Saraswati. There are meaningful and essential pieces of wisdom to explore on every page. The planetary and paradigm shift she mentions is what is needed to heal this perplexing and agonized world if we will only but listen. Will you?

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About Cheryl Graham

I’ve been following the spiritual path the entirety of my life.  But when I found Ernest Holmes and Science of Mind in 2009 I was blessed and knew I was completely home, and right where I belonged. Here was a philosophy and belief that honoured me body and soul. As well, writing is a delightful experience for me and to be able to use my English skills to expound upon books and ideas is extraordinary.


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