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Remembering Reverend Connie with Love

CSL White Rock

Updated: Sep 22, 2020

By Jill Inglis

Have you ever met anyone who swept into and out of your life for a brief moment in time and left a piece of themselves deeply rooted in your heart? This is how I felt after leaving Reverend Connie behind in Kenya last February.

Her passing on June 30, in Edmonton, left a pain in my heart that brought me to my knees in gratitude for having experienced such an incredible woman.

I’m still unclear. Was it her courage, her deep faith, her trust in her intuition, or her tenacity that took my breath away? She had already accomplished a great deal within the CSL community in Canada (opening one Centre and co-founding a second), and still, she took it a step further and opened a Centre in Africa, in Kenya! Wow! What courage, what trust must have been required to move to a foreign country with such a vastly different culture, where she knew no one. And how did it all happen? Clearly, she paid attention to that beautiful All-Knowing whisper.

Her deep trust and her belief in the Divine was unshakeable. Connie was an amazing woman. Her courage and thirst for building community, for teaching Science of Mind principles is unsurpassed. Her love and devotion is evident in the many lives she touched. She had little patience for anything ‘woo woo,’ as she called it. Connie was solid. It was wonderful to witness this woman’s presence and see the principles she taught so beautifully unfold in her own life. The gift that giveth.

Rev. Connie loved the Kenyan people and taught them Science of Mind principles with the intention that they would ultimately run their Centre themselves and continue to live by and teach these beautiful principles. Her work will continue. Connie has left the community with 4 wonderful Kenyan Practitioners, who will start ministerial training in the Fall as well as 3 North American Practitioners and a dedicated Board who are actively supporting her work. She leaves behind an amazing legacy of love, service, and commitment to Spiritual Principle.

I doubt she would have cared about a legacy. Few trailblazers do and she was a trailblazer. Connie was passionate about teaching and living the Truth. It warms my heart to find out that the larger CSL community is supporting Rev. Connie’s legacy and the growth of the Centre for Spiritual Living Kenya.

I was honoured and blessed to be in the presence of such a vibrant, funny, dynamic, beautiful, and tender woman who embraced life fully and LIVED it so boldly! And she DID live big; she lived from a big heart.

Thank you Reverend Connie Phelps for being you!

You remain in my heart,

Jill Inglis RScP

CSL White Rock, Canada

About Practitioner Jill Inglis

It's all about loving connection. And listening. Jill's life-long passion, curiosity, and deep compassion for others led her to become a Spiritual Practitioner in 2016. Along with her four wonderful Prac Sisters, the Prayer Care Team, Jill joyfully supports others, joining and walking with them through difficulty to a place of comfort. Jill understands and knows loss. Through her own walk through grief, Jill learned compassionate self-care, a tool-kit, to share with those struggling with pain so they too can again discover, recognize, and embrace their Magnificence.

Jill invites you, fellow Travellers to Wholeness, to reach out for loving Practitioner support if your path becomes unclear or too rough to move to self-acceptance and love. It's Jill's joy to serve the CSL community through Spiritual Mind Treatments (affirmative prayer), Practitioner Sessions (including grief), Mentoring, and Meditation. Jill also officiates funerals, Celebrations of Life, and other blessed, sacred events.

About the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock We envision a world that naturally expresses Love. We’re on a mission to awaken humanity to its Spiritual Magnificence. We offer tools for transformation, authentic self-expression, and conscious living. We believe that spiritual community is key in living a life of purpose and meaning. We gather to inspire, support, and invite heartfelt connection that empowers the soul.


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