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Present Time Packs a Punch!

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending. - CS Lewis

So often, we regret the decisions that we have made, even in the face of sound justification. We spend far too much time and effort attempting to rearrange our past: trying on what if and if only. By doing this, we merely drag our past into our present; this is, truly, no accomplishment.

So, what if there was a way to think, a way which would allow us to rewrite the endings and reflect into the universe more of our creative potential - if only we practiced and applied?

The teachings of the Science of Mind state that everything that has gone before, everything that is, and everything that shall be, is an expression of the One Infinite Intelligence operating as us. This is an important contemplation for us, as it holds the key to release regret and doubt around our past and our future. The idea that, whoever we believe ourselves to be is buoyed up by and infused with the perfect potential of Spirit, inspires us to take stock and do what we can with what we have.

Our toolkit has been stocked since birth. We are born out of the natural desire for Life to recreate Itself and are formed through a natural universal creative process, moving energy into form.

This is the relevancy of Dr. Holmes’ concept that multiplicity comes from unity. Each one of us is a unique expression of the One Power, perfectly poised in turn, to create out of ourselves a multitude of expression and experiences, by directing thought and emotional energy.

Clearly, our work begins right where we are. With a new perspective of what is possible by means of us, we ignite our creative power. This is what Eckhart Tolle emphasized in his first book: ‘The Power of Now,’ that in each moment we exist as a blank slate of pure potential, with a fully charge spiritual battery. We just have to say the word and declare. ‘So it is!’

This past week I received many reports about Practitioner Sunday, that were full of excitement, praise, and inspiration for the unfolding future of the White Rock Center. My heartfelt respect and appreciation for our leadership team, their commitment and dedication to the growth and transformation of this spiritual community. Blessed are we.

I look forward to being with all of you this coming Sunday, as we continue the celebration of Spirit together!

Rev. Nadene Rogers


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