Within me, and, I believe, within each of us, is an inner creative urge to live life to its fullest. For me, this fullness is not found in the accumulation of things, but in the will to serve others, and in joyfully sharing my abundant life.
I have demonstrated to myself, over and over again, that when I am willing to listen to my inner Source, and to translate this guidance into vision and action, unimaginable riches appear, in a manner that benefits the good of the many.
In the face of our growing and changing world economy, many people are faced with the need to undergo retraining for entry into new fields of work. Some of these folks are launching out in entrepreneurial endeavors, which requires calling upon faith and vision and the knowledge of how to tap into the universal flow of substance.
In order to experience a ‘wealth revelation’ we need to immerse ourselves in those things that are conducive to prosperity. We need to turn the focus of our attention away from lack, layoffs, and limitations, and instead focus on the omnipresence of universal substance.
Many people operate under the myth that Godliness requires a vow of minimalism or poverty. Many spiritual seekers also advocate this belief. As I continue to expand my consciousness of acceptance, and grow through my own challenges, the importance of impressing upon the Law of Mind in Action, a specified amount of desired income is not necessary. I know, and have demonstrated many times, that the universe has my back. I often do not bring the concept of money into my faith and conviction.
I have come to believe that my limited thinking, and its inevitable demonstrations of lack, are the true aberrations in an opulent universe. If we are experiencing lack in any area of our life experience, we are, in some way, living in opposition to the universal flow.
Ralph Waldo Emerson reminds us: “We are born to be rich, or to grow rich by the use of our faculties.”
Creating a consciousness of ever-expanding acceptance of an infinitely abundant universe, ready to become realized through me, is definitely a good reason to get up in the morning.

Rev. Nadene Rogers