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Tithing as a Spiritual Practice

CSL White Rock

By Janet Pope

What is Tithing? Why do we Tithe? As Chair of the CSL White Rock Tithing Committee, I hope to answer these questions in this blog post. To date, this year, the board of CSL White Rock chose to tithe close to $2000 to other organizations, including CSL Head Office, Sources Food Bank, the Seniors Come Share Society, CSL Kenya, and the musicians whose songs we used prior to having live music. Our reason for doing this is Tithing.

What is Tithing? Tithing is the practice of giving a percentage of our income (often 10%) to the people, places, and organizations from which we receive spiritual nourishment.

Why do we Tithe? By tithing, we are consciously choosing to be part of the Divine Flow of Life. We put ourselves in alignment with the Law of Circulation. As we give so shall we receive. Whatever we are in the Universe, the Universe will be to us. We sow seeds of gratitude into our field of good fortune.

What is our attitude when we Tithe? We tithe with love and generosity, with no fear of lack, knowing that Spirit is our Source. We share our blessings with others; we have enough to spare.

According to a First Nation’s belief, sharing our blessings maintains a balance needed to hold a nation together and keep an individual in right relationship within themselves and with the community of which they are a part.

Many of us tithe to CSL White Rock to support where we are spiritually fed, and for this we are most grateful. It allows us to provide excellent talks, workshops, classes, musicians, and speakers who fill our hearts with love. Tithing allows us to share our blessings with the greater community.


Janet Pope

CSL Board of Trustees Member and

Chair of the Tithing Committee

About Janet Pope

Janet has resided in the beautiful community of South Surrey for 17 years. She loves living close to the natural health clinic where she is employed, and she feels fortunate to work in a job that is both satisfying and fascinating. She raised two wonderful daughters and now has one terrific grandson. Life since then has been a great adventure when she blended her new partner’s ready-made family of three delightful children, (a son and two daughters,) and a further blessing of four adorable grandchildren with her own.


Ten years ago, Janet was introduced to the teachings of Science of Mind through her daughter; she is so grateful to have this teaching in her life. Janet is thrilled to serve on the Board of Trustees for CSL White Rock, which promotes a strong, healthy community in her hometown.

About the Centre for Spiritual Living White Rock

We envision a world that naturally expresses Love. We’re on a mission to awaken humanity to its Spiritual Magnificence. We offer tools for transformation, authentic self-expression, and conscious living. We believe that spiritual community is key in living a life of purpose and meaning. We gather to inspire, support, and invite heartfelt connection that empowers the soul.


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